A simple system for dealing with combat between the gods.
Explore the Positive Quasi-Elemental Planes of Lightning, Mineral, Radiance, and Steam, the joiners of the major Inner Planes and the Positive Energy Plane.
Horrifying and strange, these supernatural haunts are the deadliest of traps.
The Energy Planes of Negative and Positive are considered to be the most hostile to life in all the planes - but how can the planes of life be so deadly?
We go over how to create cleric subclasses and the main things to look out for in your own homebrew.
Factions are the groups that govern Sigil and are searching for the Truth in the multiverse through their various philosophies.
Utilizing your Fletcher’s Kit to create unique arrows from the monsters you hunt and harvest.
A realm far beyond our own understanding - it is the home of the Elder Evils and aberrations. It’s corruption is slowly spreading into the multiverse, hoping to transform it into an extension of itself.
Awarding XP is an important task for every GM and helps their table prioritize different styles of play.
This plane of good and order has a dark secret hidden on its second layer.