The Planes: Factions
Our next stop in The Planes series is the Factions of Sigil - the groups who guide the cage forward and search for Truth in the multiverse.
What are the Factions?
Factions are the self-proclaimed driving force of Sigil, with some influence outside of the city. The factions can often be described as a ‘club of philosophers’, though these groups can be quite dangerous and they have little patience for those who think too different from them. Each faction searches for the meaning behind life, the planes, and how to increase their power to seek out the truth in the worlds around them. Unfortunately for many, they are simply too close-minded to seek an answer outside their philosophy. Instead, these individuals have formed factions based on a specific way of thinking about the multiverse, uniting behind that philosophy, and using their combined influence to run things how they like in Sigil and to some extent in the multiverse.
The Planescape setting is about belief and the afterlife. Without the belief of an afterlife, there is no afterlife to believe in. The factions of Planescape all have their way of seeing the multiverse, though their power is limited once you leave the confines of Sigil. No matter who good a philosophical idea might be, you can't change the opinions and alignment of a devil, angel, or modron - or at least, without expending a lot of effort.
The factions of Sigil were first detailed in the Planescape Campaign Setting (1994) and more information is revealed on them in the Factol’s Manifesto (1995) and the Planewalker’s Handbook (1996). About 600 years ago, dozens of factions who laid all different claims on Sigil, though with that many factions all pushing for more power and greater control, things would spill over into bloodshed quite often. Eventually, the Lady of Pain, the keeper and protector of Sigil, decreed that there can only be 15 factions in Sigil or else she would kill every member of a faction that remained, this was known as the Great Upheaval. The factions quickly united into 15 distinct philosophies and gave themselves the task of running Sigil efficiently.
This peace wouldn't, or at least couldn’t, last as one of the Factols, a leader of a faction, thought that they could challenge the Lady of Pain for control over Sigil. Unfortunately for the Factol, their plans only ended up causing all factions to be banned from Sigil in an event known as the Faction War. Those 15 factions would soon fall apart, disband, or simply leave Sigil forever, though their ideas and teachings can still be found. This event is detailed in the adventure The Faction War (1998) that was meant to tie up all the loose ends of the 2nd edition Planescape setting.
An Outsider’s Perspective
Viewing the factions from the outside, it can be strange to see large groups of individuals so dedicated to one specific way of thinking. It’s just the way it works in Sigil which has no central governance to keep such factions in check. Outsiders are quite valuable to factions, seeing as how they don’t owe allegiance to anyone or any group, and so are often hired as mercenaries.
A Native’s Perspective
Without a philosophy, how is someone supposed to make sense of the multiverse and their place in it? Those who live on the Prime Plane think their worlds are the center of it all, but the real truth of it is that the center is how you view it. The Outer Planes are dangerous, and the city of Sigil is no different. Since all manner of creatures, like angels, demons, devils, elementals, and more, can find their way into Sigil, it’s important to know what you believe and what the others around you believe.
If you are having a friendly conversation with a merchant, it’s important to know how trustworthy they are. You may not want to deal with one of the Fated, or at least be on guard around them, as they aren’t known for their charity and are always looking to pull one over on someone. Then again, if you are talking to one of the Xaositects, your best bet is to give them a wide berth as they are aren’t known for following laws - or being reliable to do anything normal.
The hyper-factionalization of Sigil is a byproduct of the Outer Planes and how alignment works in the multiverse. Creatures of the Upper Planes, the planes that are attuned to ‘good’, produce creatures of pure good and radiant energy, while the creatures from the Lower Planes, the planes that are attuned to ‘evil’, produce creatures of horrible hunger and cruel intentions. These extremes tend to bleed off onto others, though these effects are typically limited to just those planes. Unfortunately for those in Sigil, since it is the City of Doors and connected to everywhere through portals, every creature can eventually find itself here. These portals also influence Sigil, causing distinct philosophies, alignments, and events to take place within the city, creating places and ideas of extremes.
Factions were created as much to help the inhabitants of Sigil as to control the city itself. With no governing force, besides the Lady of Pain who simply watches over the city, it would be complete anarchy and chaos if it weren’t for ideological groups who were willing to rise and guide the city. Of course, there are ideological groups who would like nothing more than if Sigil was complete anarchy and chaos.
While not everything or everyone is taken to an extreme, it's not uncommon to find people and places that exude that behavior. That's life in the planes.
Factions & People
There are 15 factions allowed to exist at one time inside of Sigil, though they aren’t the only factions in the multiverse. Each faction has leaders, goals, powers, and specific ways of thinking, just as they have allies and rivals. Each faction is roughly made up of four different groups, the Namers, Factotums, Factors, and Factols - though some groups may have more unique ranks, or may have only a loose understanding of these ranks as they reject such rigid order.
The lowest rank of the faction, they wear the color or badge of their faction but aren't important members inside of the organization. They’ll defend their philosophy and faction in a brawl, but they won’t risk their life if it comes to it. They can be counted on to provide housing or food to a fellow member, but won’t stick their neck out unless they are friends. The vast majority of a faction’s members are namers and many will stay in that rank. Namers can say no to the requests of the higher-ups in the faction, but from that point on they probably won’t be asked a request again or rise higher in the faction.
These members have shown strong faith in their faction, and thus the philosophy, and act as officials and are employed by the faction. They take on a wide variety of roles, from guides and messengers to soldiers and scholars, and even spies or diplomats. These individuals are willing to give their life for the cause, though they might balk if it appears pointless to them. Factions look after these devoted members as they are trusted individuals who have proven themselves on numerous occasions and are willing to do as their factol commands.
These are important individuals to the faction and can be found overseeing strongholds, major operations, or commanding large teams of factotums or namers. Factors are often part of a council that controls most of a faction’s affairs and are focused on the day-to-day operations and business of their faction.
The leaders of their faction, typically a faction only has one factol at a time and they have control over the faction’s aims and philosophy. They wield great power, as they can command their lower-ranking members to take on actions with little to no question. Often a factol ascends from the factors, but a popular factotum can seize control if presented with the right opportunities. Almost every faction has a factol, though the more chaotic might not or simply don’t give their leader that much power over the rest of the faction members.
Nicknames: The Defiers, The Lost
Philosophy: The gods are frauds; the unknowable truth lies beyond the veil.
Allies: Believers of the Source
Rivals: -
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
Athars believe that gods are just powerful mortals and shouldn’t have the right to pass judgment over other mortals or to even have ‘divinity’. While they accept that the gods are ‘real’, they don’t think such beings deserve worship. Despite what many might think, the Athar do have clerics among their numbers, but they channel their power from the “Great Unknown” an unknown realm of divine force which some might think could be tied to the Positive or Negative Energy Planes or maybe there is something else out there that gives the ‘gods’ their power.
Their teachings have gotten the Athar into a lot of trouble and they don’t leave Sigil very often, though they claim it isn’t out of cowardice but rather because they are so busy. Others snicker behind their backs as they think the Athar have gotten on the bad side of the powers and they are too fearful of leaving Sigil, where no god can enter, and being vulnerable to retribution from the gods.
The Ashar can be found in the Shattered Temple in the Lower Wards, the temple to the now-dead god, Aoskar. The faction can also be found in the Astral Plane, though this is because they can prove their point as the bodies of dead gods litter the plane.
After the Faction War, the Ashar moved to the base of the Spire in the Outlands as no god has power in the ring closest to the spire. Most believe the Ashar are terrified to leave that ring as the gods could be waiting for them just outside it.
Factol - Terrance
The current factol, Terrance, was once a patriarch in service to the god, Mishakal. After 10 years of faithful service to the god, Terrance awoke one day and realized the truth of his cleric service. Everything he had ever done, he had done through his intelligence and strength, that the conversations he had shared with Mishakal had no divine nature. Terrance is an oddity within his faction as the others are bitter of their realizations that the gods are simply mortal, but Terrance is serene about it. There is no point in getting upset by the truth.
Believers of the Source
Nicknames: Godsmen
Philosophy: All life springs from the same divine source, ascending and descending in form as the cosmos tests it.
Allies: Athar, Doomguard
Rivals: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
The belief that everyone can be a god has led many to this faction, though it is a hard road for anyone to follow. The Godsmen believe that every obstacle is just a chance to prove yourself to the multiverse that you belong to be a divine being. Those that fail this challenge just simply aren't ready to evolve to a higher state of being. Many of the Athar find similarities in the teachings of the Believers.
The Godsmen can be found in the Great Foundry located in the Lower Wards, this location symbolizes their belief that the multiverse is constantly being reforged and refined. They also have strong ties to the Ethereal Plane where they seek out challenges and answers to evolve into godhood.
After the Faction War, the Believers decide to travel the planes in search of new opportunities to prove themselves and ascend. They are approached by the Sign of One to join with them and become a new faction known as The Mind’s Eye.
Factol - Ambar Vergrove
Ambar is a bit of an oddity when it comes to the philosophies of the factions as he values the individual more than their ideology. He became a factol only because of how well-loved he became, and many adore his simple and sincere nature. The Godsmen all believe that he will soon ascend as no obstacle can stand in the half-elf’s way.
Bleak Cabal
Nicknames: Bleakers, The Cabal, Madmen
Philosophy: The multiverse ain’t supposed to make sense; there’s no grand scheme, no deep meaning, no elusive order. The only truth worth finding lies within.
Allies: Doomguard, Dustmen, Revolutionary League
Rivals: Fraternity of Order, Harmonium, Mercykillers
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
There isn’t a point to anything. There is no divine will, no great prophecy, no promise of what the multiverse will become, it’s all pointless and there is no point worrying about it. Instead, an individual should be focused on themselves and exploring who they are, if there is no meaning in the multiverse, maybe there is one in yourself.
Of all the factions, the Bleak Cabal might be the most charitable as they help the poor and needy in Sigil. They run soup kitchens, orphanages, asylums, and other locations where they take care of those who can’t. It’s not because they think it’ll bring meaning to the multiverse, but because they believe it might bring meaning to the people - which is as optimistic as a Bleaker can think.
The Bleak Cabal can be found in the Gatehouse of the Hive Ward, an asylum that helps the people of Sigil, no matter how evil or vile they might be. Their plane of influence is Pandemonium where the roaring and screaming winds of madness are as meaningless as the rest of the multiverse, though at least its comfortable in its meaninglessness.
After the Faction War, the Bleak Cabal ‘disbanded’ but most members just shrugged. They had only joined the faction because - well, most don’t care to remember why they had. The faction continued to help the poor and run the soup kitchens, they just didn’t call themselves a faction.
Factol - Lhar
An orphaned half-orc deposited on the steps of the Gatehouse, Lhar eventually rose through the ranks of Bleak Cabal. He is one of the few members who have some vision for the faction, though it is focused on helping more people and expanding the orphanages, poor houses, and soup kitchens that his faction oversees. He was born in the Hive and feels a kinship to those who struggle to live their lives in the ward.
Nicknames: Sinkers
Philosophy: Entropy is ecstasy; decay is divine. The verse is supposed to fall apart. We’re just here to keep leatherheads from interfering.
Allies: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen
Rivals: Fraternity of Order, Harmonium
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
The Doomguard believes that entropy is inevitable and that everything is going to end in destruction. Because of this belief that everything, including the multiverse, will decay into nothing, they believe they are here to ensure it’ll happen. They stop others from trying to rebuild or fix things, they are opponents to those who would stop decay. But that doesn’t mean they destroy brand new things, in fact, they encourage the building of pretty much anything. If rocks are being mined out, trees being felled, gems shaped, that means that those craftsmen are slowly wearing down the multiverse, just as it should be.
The Dustmen can be found in the Armory located in the Lady’s War where they forge weapons to be used as tools of destruction and entropy. Their plane of influence are the quasi-elemental planes of negative energy; Ash, Dust, Salt, and Vacuum.
After the Faction War, the faction became almost extinct. They had lost a massive number of faction members during the fighting, and so they retreated to their citadels on the quasi-elemental planes. Some hope to rebuild their numbers, but as that seems almost contrary to their very philosopher, many think they’ll fade away into nothing.
Factol - Pentar
Outsiders see Pentar as a rather barmy individual, hell-bent on getting herself killed in some sort of conflict. She enjoys throwing herself into conflict and is even said to sleep in her armor with her weapons in easy arms reach from her at all times. She revels in the nature of chaos and destruction, with some believing that she is secretly hoping to even bring that destruction down upon the Doomguard!
Nicknames: The Dead
Philosophy: We’re all dead - some more so than others. So, we explore our current state with patience, purge our passion, and ascend toward the purity of True Death.
Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard
Rivals: Sign of One, Society of Sensations
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
Nobody’s alive, in fact, everyone is already dead and this is the afterlife. The Dustmen are a strange lot who believe that every stage of ‘life’ is simply bringing you closer to the True Death and that the multiverse is the afterlife. Their proof is the petitioners who are the ‘afterlife’ of the mortals who once walked the Prime Plane as well as the other planes. The Material Plane is the first stop in the afterlife, as there was something before that, while those who live in the planes, known as planars, are the next stop. After you become a planar, and die, you then become a petitioner. If you do a good job there, you can eventually become one of the True Dead and carry on to the next part of the afterlife, whatever that might be.
They believe that life should be filled with celebration and positivity, but there is pain and suffering everywhere. How can life hold such sorrow? The current state of existence is just a mockery of life and it's up to everyone to study their life and purge themselves of all passions and sense, that way you can move on to become one of the True Dead, the ultimate goal of all living creatures. Once you reach True Death, you can ascend to oblivion, or whatever there is after this death.
The Dustmen can be found in the Mortuary, located in the Hive, as well as patrolling the streets of Sigil gathering up corpses of the dead. Their plane of influence is the Negative Energy Plane, though it is a great challenge for them to have a building in such an inhospitable plane.
After the Faction War, the Dustmen continue their duties though they no longer operate under a singular faction. Eventually, their faction name is used to describe anyone who gathers up the dead bodies of Sigil, regardless of what philosophy they might follow.
Factol - Skall
Skall has been in charge of the Dustmen for decades, far longer than a mortal has any right to be in charge. The Dustmen believe that Skall is inches away from reaching True Death but that he stays around to help others ascend to True Death. He rarely visits Sigil but rather stays on the citadel located in the Negative Energy Plane and strives to learn everything he can without feeling a single emotion about any of it. The real truth of his form is that he is an ancient lich that is focused on finding out the truth of death and life, spending his entire undeath focused on matters far beyond the affairs of mortals.
Nicknames: Takers, The Heartless
Philosophy: The multiverse belongs to those who seize it No one’s to blame for a poor sods fate but the sorry sod himself.
Allies: Free League, Mercykillers
Rivals: Harmonium
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
Everyone is responsible for their fates and that power, influence, and wealth are available to any who are willing to take it. The multiverse owes you nothing but what you can take and gather for yourself, and no one is there to help. The Fated believe that anyone can be great, no matter the circumstances, the individual just has to rise to the occasion and overcome it.
Many outsiders see this faction as a cruel philosophy who cares little for others, but the members will deny such claims. You can’t take everything by force, love can only be given by those who love you, just as respect and fame can only be given by others, never taken. It’s all about hard work and making it yourself, regardless of the obstacles in your path because the gods gave you everything you need to overcome them.
The Fated can be found in the Hall of Records located in the Clerk’s Ward where they operate as tax collectors for Sigil. Their plane of influence is Ysgard where it's a hard afterlife, and only the petitioners who are willing to overcome challenges can succeed.
After the Faction War, the Fated become the most hated of all the factions, and it isn’t simply because they are the tax collectors. Their factol, Duke Rowan Darkwood, was responsible for the Faction War that caused thousands to die in the streets of Sigil and is the reason the factions are being kicked out of Sigil. The Fated decide to head back to Ysgard where they can regroup and reassess their lot in life and how to overcome this new obstacle.
Factol - Duke Rowan Darkwood
The Duke is a self-made man through and through. Living a hard life, filled with torments that would’ve broken lesser men, the Duke has always been a self-driven man who took each challenge thrown at him on the chin. From being the third son of a lesser duke in Oerth to being tortured by devils for decades to being a powerful cleric of Heimdall, Darkwood has traveled the planes and seen almost every sight to be seen. He settled in Sigil only a few years ago but quickly rose to become the Factol of the Fated, not an easy task when everyone else is just as power-hungry as you are. Darkwood isn’t simply happy to be a factol but has his eyes on something larger… the Lady of Pain’s position over Sigil.
Fraternity of Order
Nicknames: Guvners
Philosophy: Everything has laws; most are dark. Learn the laws of the multiverse and you can rule it.
Allies: Harmonium, Mercykillers
Rivals: Revolutionary League, Xaositects
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
There is a law for everything, the secret is finding those laws. Those who can understand every law can use those laws to their advantage - and maybe you can find the laws that govern the multiverse and you can then gain more power than the gods. Once you have that understanding of laws, you can then use those laws to your advantage to break the system and rise higher than anyone else.
The Guvners are obsessed with uncovering the hidden laws of the multiverse and don’t care if there is a meaning to it all. What’s the point in ‘understanding’ the planes if you can’t control it to your desires and needs? It’s better to work in the system than outside it, as the laws are what decide everything.
The Fraternity of Order can be found in the City Court located in the Lady’s Ward where they act as judges and legal advocates. Their plane of influence is Mechanus where they hope to understand the plane of law and how it functions, for if they can understand such a perfect plane of order and law, they are one step closer to understanding the chaos of other planes.
After the Faction War, they retreat to Mechanus hanging their head in shame as it is revealed their factol was a petitioner - a being who wasn’t even supposed to be on Sigil but another Outer Plane. Currently, there is a large power struggle to decide who will be the next factol, though many believe it’ll take decades before they figure it out.
Factol - Hashkar
Most try to avoid talking to a Guvner as their conversations are typically quite boring and very focused on specific wording and phrasing. The same goes for the Factol of the Fraternity who can make even his faction bored with his grasp on laws and phrasing. It is said that he has such a solid understanding of the laws of the multiverse that he can twist it slightly to his own will, like moving up to 10 minutes into the future, summon modrons to his aid, or even cause the laws of probability to shift around him. He has stopped several assassinations with his powers, all because he knows how to twist these laws for his gain. This dwarf is highly respected by his peers, though something was always odd about him - which turns out to be that he is already dead and is a petitioner of Mechanus, a factol can’t be a petitioner as it's against the rules of the Fraternity of Order and petitioners belong on their Outer Plane, not in Sigil where death means your soul is permanently destroyed.
Free League
Nicknames: Indeps
Philosophy: This ain’t no faction, and nobody tells us what to do. Keep your options open; nobody’s got the key to the truth.
Allies: Fated
Rivals: Harmonium
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
Since it can be difficult to wander the streets of Sigil without a faction to protect you, the free-thinking Indeps were kind of forced to unite together. While the Free League is composed of a large number of members, it isn’t a faction in the true sense of it all. The members believe that anyone who claims to know the truth, and that everyone else is wrong, shouldn’t be paid much heed to. Why risk the chance that that person is wrong when there are so many options available to follow? The Indeps know that there is no one sure path to the truth, so one should always keep their options open and keep an open mind.
The Indeps act as a unified, informal group who watch out for each other. They meet up, occasionally, to watch each other’s back, share news, and even help each other if need be. Every member of the Free League is free to find their way or work with others to help them out, but nobody can tell you what to think or believe.
The Indeps can largely be found in The Great Bazaar in the Market Ward as many of them are traders and travelers, though they have no official headquarters. Their plane of influence is the Outlands where they have a lot of power and be found traveling through the heart of the Great Ring.
After the Faction War, the Indeps didn’t change. They had never really been a faction, and in fact, had been opposed to the whole idea of the factions, only uniting to survive in a world of factions. They still maintain the protection of the Great Bazaar, but now they aren’t worried about the other factions trying to attack their members, and best of all, no more Harmonium!
Factol - None
Nicknames: Hardheads
Philosophy: Peace is our goal. But if it takes a little war to get others to set things right, the Harmonium way, so be it. That’s how we’ll reach our golden harmony.
Allies: Fraternity of Order, Mercykillers
Rivals: Free League, Revolutionary League, Xaositects
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
The Harmonium is always right, and it is the goal of every member of the Harmonium to ensure that others come to the right decision - to support the Harmonium and its goals. If that sounds scary, the Harmonium is happy to remind you that it is the goal of every enlightened being to live in harmony with all others, the best way of doing that is to follow the Harmonium. There are only two states of being in all the multiverse: Peace or War. If you agree with someone, you are at peace. If you disagree, violence can erupt, and eventually, war will begin. It’s that simple.
Peace is the ultimate goal of the Harmonium, for only then can families survive, kings rule their people, scholars can study, the farmers can tend to their fields, and everyone prospers. The only way to achieve this enlightenment is to follow the Harmonium’s path, even if the Harmonium must go to war and sort out those who would disagree with them. It’s the only way to reach enlightenment in the multiverse - even if it's violent.
The Harmonium can be found in the City Barracks located in the Lady’s Ward as well as patrolling the city streets and ensuring that peace is maintained. They can often be found following the members of opposing factions and finding excuses to bring them in for breaking the law. Their plane of influence is Arcadia where they have training camps to help others see that the only way forward, is the Harmonium way. Many believe it is the fault of the Harmonium that the third layer of Arcadia fell off and joined Mechanus.
After the Faction War, reluctantly the members of the Harmonium dropped their weapons and decide to leave Sigil for good. They were tired of beating their head against the proverbial wall and if Sigil didn’t want to be saved, then it could rot for all they cared. They went back to Arcadia and have largely dropped the militaristic aspect of the Harmonium, instead, focusing on their spirituality. Some rumors have slipped that they are thinking about uniting the Upper Planes under the banner of the Harmonium and bringing their way to all the celestial bodies.
Factol - Sarin
One of the reasons the Harmonium has been given the nickname, Hardheaded, which they despise, Sarin believes fully in the virtues of Harmonium and ensuring that the Harmonium way is followed. Originally from the world of Ortho, which has been fully converted into a paradise of the Harmonium, Sarin decided to take charge of the troops in Harmonium even though he was clueless about the planes and would be viewed as an outsider by everyone. He believes so strongly in the rightness of the Harmonium, he refuses to let anything get in his way in pursuing the ultimate goals of the faction. Everywhere he goes, he commands respect with his booming voice and magnetic personality. Those who spot him on the streets are advised to quickly find somewhere else to be.
Nicknames: Red Death
Philosophy: Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.
Allies: Fraternity of Order, Harmonium
Rivals: Revolutionary League, Sign of One, Society of Sensations
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
Justice is everything and through it, perfection. No one can evade justice forever, and it’ll be the Mercykillers there to apply it. Laws exist for justice to be carried out. Justice makes those who experience it better, for once they learn the cost of their evil, they will push themselves to be better for fear of the lash of justice. Of course, justice must be properly applied for it to be effective in bringing perfection to the multiverse.
To that end, the Mercykillers know that mercy is an excuse created by those who would stop perfection. Those who wish to kill or steal plead for mercy, even when they knew better and still committed their awful acts. The Mercykillers are not so weak as to believe in mercy and those crimes are punished according to the letter of the law, regardless of any extenuating circumstances, which aren’t even real and are just another creation of criminals. Of course, the Mercykillers believe that every criminal deserves the strictest and cruelest forms of punishment that the law allows them, to do less would be mercy.
Often, criminals might point to the wrongdoings of the Mercykillers, but it doesn’t bother them. They are charged with protecting justice, and so they can do things others can’t. The Mercykillers don’t make the laws, only enforce them, and they’ll do everything in their power to ensure that their enforcement snuffs out any mercy - all in a bid for perfection.
The Mercykillers can be found in the Prison located in the Lady’s Ward where they ensure that all criminals are given a punishment that fits the crime per the laws of the city. Their plane of influence is Acheron where they govern the city of Vorkehan and seek perfection through justice.
After the Faction War, the Mercykillers dissolved away, not because they had all died in the war, but because their factol had vanished mysteriously which left splinter groups who joined different factions after the war. The good-aligned joined the Sons of Mercy while the evil-aligned justiciars joined the Sodkillers. The ones who existed somewhere in between the two extremes had no charismatic leaders to guide them and simply splintered into so many tiny groups that they ceased to exist.
Factol - Alisohn Nilesia
Often called mad, Alisohn is one of the youngest of the factols at only 19. But unlike many others, she has been training for this day since she was born in the prison, her mother having been a thief and imprisoned. Eventually, her mother passed away, after experiencing justice at the hands of the Mercykillers, but this didn’t bother Alisohn. At this point, she had memorized every law in Sigil as well as the proper punishments for each of those laws. She is a fanatic for justice, giving herself wholly to the edicts of the Mercykillers even before she was officially allowed to join the faction as she could only join when she turned 11.
Her relationship with Duke Rowan Darkwood is one of the reasons that the Faction War started, as he had wooed her and married in her private, only to later betray her and attempt to take control of the Mercykillers. This bid would ultimately fail, but not before he sold Alisohn off to be a slave to the fiends that she had sold so many others too.
Revolutionary League
Nicknames: Anarchists
Philosophy: The status quo is built on lies and greed. Crush the factions. Break ’em all down and rebuild with what’s left - that’s the only way to find the real truth.
Allies: Doomguard, Xaositects
Rivals: Fraternity of Order, Harmonium
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
The factions don’t care about the truth, they are all focused on wealth, property, influence, and growing their power. Every member of the Revolutionary League must break the chains of oppression and remove the factions who are causing Sigil to wallow in the muck. An individual must be free to make their own choices, no matter what it is, to find the truth for themselves. Factions aren’t going to let their members go unless you upend them and remove their power.
Though, if you ask the Revolutionary League what ‘truth’ they believe is out there once the factions are removed, they have no idea. No one member can agree with another member about the truth of everything, they just know that you’ll never find it while the factions are in power because it isn’t in their interest to seek the truth. Besides, you can’t think about what the truth might be until you remove the boot from your neck and take down the factions!
Similar to the Indeps, the anarchists have no set headquarters but instead meet in a different place each time. Their plane of influence is Carceri, where they understand the plight of the prisoners on the plane all trying to break free of their prison plane.
After the Faction War, the anarchists are momentarily stunned. They had worked for so long on bringing down the other factions, they had never thought they’d do it - or even what it’d look like after they did so. The members retreated to Carceri to first decide what type of government they should implement over the commoners, for those folk need a firm hand to guide them to the ‘real truth’ of the multiverse. Unfortunately, the Revolutionary League isn’t used to working together and they are constantly clashing with each other over what the ‘real truth’ is, let alone how they will guide the people to it.
Eventually, a new Revolutionary League forms up from the former members of the anarchists, intent on opposing whatever new form of governance their rival members might introduce to the planes.
Factol - None
Sign of One
Nicknames: Signers
Philosophy: The multiverse exists because the mind imagines it. The Signers - it could be any Signer - create the multiverse through the power of thought.
Allies: Society of Sensation
Rivals: Bleak Cabal, Harmonium
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
Everyone is unique. Every creature is different from one another and it is what makes the universe so great and mysterious. Because everyone is unique, and everyone has their unique perspective, the multiverse centers around the self. If an individual believes the multiverse exists, it exists - and if they didn’t believe it existed, they wouldn’t be in the multiverse. The proof is that everyone in the multiverse, believes in the multiverse or else it wouldn’t be there.
This simply means, as the Signers are often repeating, that each Signer is the most important individual in the multiverse. Those who can master what they imagine can change the multiverse to match what they imagine, which means outsiders better treat the Signers with care or be banished out of existence. Their proof is that lots of people disappear without a trace, so why take the risk?
Of course, with that reasoning, many of the Signers are forced to answer what happens when two equally strong Signers disagree. What if they both wish for the other person to disappear? The truth of the matter is that nobody else actually exists except what they imagine - the entire multiverse is just the imagination of the individual at the center of it. The feelings and opinions of others are simply what the individual imagines for them, that’s all there is to the multiverse. One individual imagines the multiverse, everyone else is just a figment of it.
The Sign of One can be found in the Hall of Speakers located in the Clerk’s Ward where they act as the Sigil’s legislature. Their plane of influence is the Beastlands where the Signers find a home among the wilds of the land, giving in to their primal desires.
After the Faction War, the Sign of One splintered into dozens of splinter groups with all distinct views of the multiverse and the real truth of it. The core group of Signers approach the Godsmen and create a new faction known as the Mind’s Eye.
Factol - Darius
Darius is an extremely talented wizard over divination and is one of the less self-centered members of the Signers. She believes in the power of the self, and after exposing herself to almost every philosophy, almost came to think that such mental exercises were a waste of time until she started practicing magic and realized that true power comes from one's inner mind. From there she quickly rose in power and eventually joined the Sign of One and has expanded the teachings of the faction. Her current plan is to imagine and revive the dead god of Aoskar, though first, she’ll have to deal with the Athar who are currently occupying the goddess’ temple and aren’t a fan of gods, to begin with.
Society of Sensation
Nicknames: Sensates
Philosophy: To know the multiverse, experience it fully. The senses form the path tom truth, for the multiverse doesn’t exist beyond what can be sensed.
Allies: Fraternity of Order, Free League, Sign of One
Rivals: Doomguard, Dustmen, Mercykillers
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
The multiverse can only be known by experiencing it, everything else is unproven. The only way to know something is real is to experience it, either by holding it in your hand, smelling it, tasting it, hearing it, or anything else to test it. The only way to know what is real is to experience it for yourself and to establish it’s ‘realness’.
To this end, the Sensates believe the only way to find the truth of the multiverse is to experience everything - every flavor, color, scent, and texture of all the multiverse no matter how dull, painful, or unpleasant it could be. Once you have experienced everything can you fully understand what truth there is of it all, which seems wholly impossible by all accounts, but the Sensates understand that maybe that that is the truth. That there is no greater truth out there, that there is nothing else out there except for what you experience.
The Sensates can be found in the Civic Festhall in the Clerk’s Ward which features non-stop entertainment, performances, art, new experiences, and more all day and night without stop. Their plane of influence is Arborea where new experiences can be found in a plane of great beauty and entertainment.
After the Faction War, the Sensates still operate in Sigil, though they don’t call themselves a faction. While some of the members journey to the golden festhall in Arborea, many of their most altruistic members stay in Sigil and keep the entertainment going in the Civic Festhall to provide entertainment and help the city heal. Many of the people who survived the Faction War are looking for distractions to help them forget the devastation that swept through the city.
Factol - Erin Montgomery
Erin Montgomery is often thought to be one of the two most dangerous individuals in Sigil, with her opponent being Duke Darkwood. Though, while he is hardheaded and takes what he wants, she is a member of the Sensates and is well-loved by almost everyone she meets. She loves new experiences, though that doesn’t mean she’ll stupidly fall into hedonism and instant gratification, she has enough sense to keep her head straight and to focus on what’s truly important, growing the faction and bringing in new experiences for everyone to enjoy in Sigil.
She watches the Duke intently, concerned what he might do to rise to the top. She is constantly having to change her plans, as she too has desires - and while it might not be to replace the Lady of Pain, it is to try new experiences that no mortal could ever have.
Transcendent Order
Nicknames: Cipher
Philosophy: Action without thought is the purest response. Train body and mind to act in harmony, and the spirit will become one with the universe.
Allies: Most factions
Rivals: Harmonium
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
Don’t stop to think, simply react. The more you react to the multiverse, the more in tune you become. Once you are attuned to the multiverse, you can find the truth of it all and react to it accordingly.
For the Ciphers, this means that every moment should be one of action, there is no time to stop and think about the different responses one could take. While this means that the Cipher don’t plan out their next moves, they don’t blindly rush in. They have their instinct and it has gotten them this far in their life, which is more than many others can claim. Anyone can just rush in, but it takes great skill to know yourself and your body, constantly training your mind and body to make the right instincts. Once the mind and body act as one, then the soul can act as one with the multiverse, meaning your instincts can make the right actions at the right time - a form of enlightenment for the Ciphers.
The Order can be found in the Great Gymnasium where it is a place of relaxation and training for all. It is also a neutral location and is perfect for those of opposing sides who wish to meet and debate their sides. Their plane of influence is Elysium, the plane of harmony and good, a plane where they feel their souls attuning to the multiverse.
After the Faction War, the Transcendent Order rips up their faction charter without a thought. They don’t care about being a faction but helping others through actions and deeds. They stay in Sigil and help others come to peace with their neighbors and even with themselves, and while they still use the gymnasium to train themselves, they gave over control of it to fitness-buff hill giants from Elysium. The Transcendent Order, while no longer a faction, helps the city to heal their wounds and start up the Sigil Advisory Council to help others find their voice.
Factol - Rhys
This tiefling was one of the few factols to escape the fate the other factols were given, banishment to the mazes, though she only did so because she fled the city before the faction war could begin. Of course, the order points out that that was the right thing to do because she reacted in tune with the multiverse, if she was less attune, she’d be in the mazes with the others.
Rhys is open and one of the factols more accessible to others, though that doesn’t make it easy to find her. She reacts with the multiverse, and so she is rarely ever in one place at a time. Due to having to only be able to rely on herself in her youth, she was a natural fit for the order and quickly excelled through their rankings to become the factol.
Nicknames: Chaosmen
Philosophy: Chaos is truth, order delusion. Embracing the randomness of the multiverse, one learns its secret.
Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard
Rivals: Fraternity of Order, Harmonium
Planescape Campaign Setting, 1994 TSR Inc.
The multiverse is chaos, no matter where you go. There is no order, no pattern, which means the meaning of the multiverse is chaos as well. They see the world around them and see there are no natural patterns or order, only chaos that springs up all around. The only order to be found are from those who try to impose it, which must mean that the truth of the multiverse is chaos.
The faction is barely held together, for chaos makes it hard for any two individuals to work together, let alone hundreds who have joined the faction. The faction believes that you must gaze upon chaos and appreciate the randomness inherent in the system, for once you understand it, you can be a part of the chaos.
The Chaosmen can be found in the Hive located in the Hive Ward, which is one of the worst slums in all of Sigil. Their plane of influence is Limbo, a plane of pure and unrefined chaos that rejects all order and law.
After the Faction War, nothing changes for the Xaositects. They had never really been official, even if they had been the oldest of all the factions. They simply shrug and carry on with their lives, for whatever light structure the faction had placed on them, it didn’t change their behaviors.
Factol - Karan
Despite his disheveled look, Karan is the factol of the Xaositects, at least as often as he wants to be. Multiple times throughout the day, Karan might decide he doesn’t want the job and someone else will step in for a few minutes, hours, but never longer than a day - not just because being a leader is hard for a Xaositect, but because Karan will decide he wants the job back and the others are more than happy to give it back to him. The githzerai is also well-loved by his faction because of how chaotic he can become, he loves chaos and spreading it whenever, and where ever he happens to be. The reason he is so good as the factol is because of his great ideas that he seems to have almost every hour for his faction. He stirs up his faction members, uniting a few of them for an hour or so and they carry out his plan and then quickly disband once it's complete. This could be decorating a statue in garish paint, trouncing a local knight of the post, or simply bringing chaos into an ordered society.
Other Factions
Beyond the 15 main factions in Sigil, there are dozens of others throughout the planes, though their influence is limited in area. Some of the factions, like the Order of the Planes-Militant, are focused on protecting their plane, while others, like the Vile Hunt, are interested in destroying the petitioners of a certain plane.
Resources & Further Reading
Planescape Campaign Setting (2nd edition)
For more information on joining the factions and the benefits of doing so.
The Factol’s Manifesto (2nd edition)
For more information on each of the factions as well as their headquarters, their various leaders, and how to roleplay the faction.
The Planewalker’s Handbook (2nd edition)
For more information on the factions and how to survive in the planes with them.
Faction War (2nd edition)
For more information on the war that would end the factions and their grasp on Sigil, as well as the aftermath that arises in Sigil.
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