Pricing Magic Items - 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide
Just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in! It’s been a few months since the Dungeon Master’s Guide for 2024 was released, and I decided that I should probably see if I needed to make any updates to the spreadsheet for all the D&D 24 truests.
As is tradition, I won’t go too deep into the changes (though there aren’t many), but if you just want the updated spreadsheet, you can find it here!
PLEASE REMEMBER, if you want to edit the document, either download the spreadsheet provided here or MAKE A COPY of the document for your own uses. I get way too many people thinking I’m going to give them edit rights on my beautiful and perfect spreadsheet. I am a forever GM, that means I’m a control freak! (I don’t even let the other co-founder here have edit rights on the document!)
Here are the previous posts in case you want to reference them, some of the information may be outdated as I adjusted things as I worked. This will provide a much clearer explanation of the how and why I priced things.
Part 1 / Item Rarity, Restoring HP with a Consumable, Damage with Consumable (no save), Damage with Consumable (with save), Magic Weapons
Part 2 / Spell Levels & Spell Scrolls, Conditions with a Save
Part 3 / Permanent Items, Magical Enhancements, Armor Class
Part 4 / Items with Semi-Permanent Damage, Permanent Damage, Increase Ability Scores
Part 5 / Pricing out the “A” items in the Dungeon Master’s Guide
Part 6 / Pricing of the first 100 items
Part 7 / Pricing all of Dungeon Master’s Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
Part 8 / Pricing all of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Dungeon Master’s Guide - Magic Items
As it so happens, there aren’t a ton of changes in this new edition of the book, but there still are some so I can’t just say duplicate a tab in the spreadsheet and call it done.
For one, a lot of items from Xanathar’s and Tasha’s are added in, a dozen new magic items, and 30+ changes (some minor, some not) to previous magic items.
At this point, I want to give a big thanks to u/SatanSade for their post on the /r/OneDnD subreddit as it saved me a ton of time. They went through item by item and shared what changes there were between the 2014 and 2024 version. Here are those changes:
Adamantine Weapons are now considered magical
Arrow of Slaying was renamed to Ammunition of Slaying
Boots of Elvenkind and Cloak of Elvenkind now both grant advantage on Stealth checks
Broom of Flying now requires attunement as well as action to activate
Cloak of Invisibility now has 3 charges
Cube of Force only has 10 charges, and they are used to cast spells: mage armor, shield, Leomund's tiny hut, Mordenkainen's private sanctum, Otiluke's resilient sphere, and wall of force
Daern’s Instant Fortress does not cause damage anymore and requires attunement
Deck of Many Things had some cards with effects changed: Balance, Comet, Fool, Jester, Knight, Ruin, Sun, and Throne
Elven Chain now can be chain shirt or chain mail
Ersatz Eye lost attunement
Flame Tongue can be any melee weapon
Heward’s Handy Haversack increases capacity from 20 pounds to 200 pounds on side pouches and from 80 pounds to 500 pounds on central pouch
Ioun Stone doesn't have HP or AC anymore and can’t be grabbed
Horn of Silent Alarm now requires a charge to activate
Instrument of the Bards no longer gives disadvantage on charm spells
Javelin of Lightning now just deals lightning damage instead extra damage
Medallion of Thoughts now has 5 charges instead of 3, and regains 1d4 charges instead of 1d3
Moonblade now can be greatswords, rapiers, scimitars, and shortswords
Periapt of Proof Against Poison now requires attunement
Periapt of Wound Closure allows players to choose to pass a failed death saving throw instead of auto stabilizing (so you can try and crit a Death saving throw)
Ring of Invisibility now grants permanent invisibility, even if you attack
Rings of Resistance no longer require attunement
Ring of Spell Turning now just provides advantage against saving throws of spells no matter if is targeting only you or not
Robe of the Archmagi doesn't have an alignment attunement requirement
Silvered Weapons are common magic weapons and you deal an additional die of damage on critical hits against shape-shifted creatures
Staff of Power has the Power Strike feature removed
Sword of Sharpness no longer removes a limb, but inflicts 1 level of exhaustion on a crit
Sword of Wounding now works like flame tongue but with a 2d6 necrotic damage instead of fire
Talisman of Pure Good and Talisman of Ultimate Evil both changed by adjusting alignment restrictions
Veteran's Cane can now transform back into a cane
Vicious Weapon now deal 2d6 damage on every hit instead of just on crits
Vorpal Sword deals a flat 30 damage instead 6d8 damage
Wand of Magic Missiles, Wand of Fireball and other wands now can only use up to 3 charges at time
Wand of Web has a DC of 13
Weapon of Warning has been nerfed and just provides advantage on Initiative
Winged Boots now operates based off of charges
New Items!
So that was all the adjusted items, here are the new items in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (that didn’t previously appear in Xanathar’s or Tasha’s - they probably showed up in adventure books previously)!
Adamantine Ammunition
Baba Yaga’s Dancing Broom
Cube of Summoning
Enspelled Armor
Enspelled Staff
Enspelled Weapon
Hag Eye
Hat of Many Spells
Lute of Thunderous Thumping
Potion of Greater Invisibility
Quarterstaff of the Acrobat
Rival Coin
Scroll of Titan Summoning
Shield of the Cavalier
Spirit Board
Thunderous Greatclub
Pricing Out
That’s everything new in the Dungeon Master’s Guide! Not a ton, but not nothing either. In addition, I also want to shout out u/SatanSade again for all their work noting what changes were made between the two versions of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. It saved me a ton of time so I could actually prep for my game instead of banging my head against my keyboard.
Is there an item that I didn’t properly account for a power? Is something way overpriced? Let me know!
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