This dark and dreary land is not a welcoming place for the living.
Are you the King? Or just a street urchin? No one can tell once you get your disguise on with your Disguise Kit!
Visiting the Feywild can be a dangerous proposition for any adventurer, but the sheer beauty is worth it.
Herbalism is all about finding potent ingredients and making valuable poultices and salves for your party.
The planes, the material world and the cosmology of Dungeons & Dragons. This new series shows how you can use it in your games and how it all works.
Utilize your Glassblower’s Tools to craft weapons, equipment, and even armor out of glass.
Creating a fun mini-game to make Hunting a fun and exciting part of your table!
Handing out Experience Points is an important part of any game, and can bring excitement for your game and for the PCs. Let’s make it easier for you to do the right thing!
Ahoy matey! Let’s drop the sails and travel the seas! But first, we need a navigator who is proficient in Navigator’s Tools!
We go over how to make leather and then talk about making Leatherworker’s Tools useful in 5e!