Winds of Gravenmoor - PDF

Winds of Gravenmoor - PDF


A Cold Wind Ushers in a Season of Revenge...

Enjoying the festivities at Gravenmoor’s Hallow’s Eve Festival, your adventurers are asked for help when a gang of scarecrows and pumpkins attack, led by a headless horseman! The adventurers must investigate an old crime, find justice for a powerful undead, and participate in their greatest challenge yet... festival games!

This adventure is designed for a party of 8th-level adventurers but provides instructions on running it for lower-level parties and as a one-shot. In addition, it includes new monsters, maps, and information on the town of Gravenmoor and the Kingsland nation located on Talia.


  • A 36-page adventure for 8th-level adventurers

  • Information for running as a one-shot or for lower-level parties

  • 18 festival games including Apple Bobbing, Corn Maze, Pie Eating Contest, Mini-Golf, and more!

  • 8 monster stat blocks

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