Ferrum, the Canal City

Ferrum, the Canal City


This is a supplement to Neiko’s Primer to Talia

Magic and technology collide on the streets of Ferrum...

This is an introduction to the city of Ferrum, located along a 12-mile canal that has changed the known world of Talia!

Magic, technology, industry, gangs, and more collide on these streets as they battle to determine the future of not only the city, but all of Talia. An adventurer could find themselves very wealthy here, or with a dagger in their back...

This guide includes basic information on Ferrum’s districts and locations within the city. A timeline for the city is provided, secret societies, and rumors, as well as a look at several important individuals who call it home. In addition, it includes information on the rolgu, a race that has done more for the city than any other.

Download: Includes a 44-page PDF of Ferrum, the Canal City, and a low-quality and high-quality map of the city’s districts.

This city is at the center of our three-part adventure series Gangs of Ferrum: Book 1 - Trouble in Lower Bern, Book 2 - Revolution in Bern, & Book 3 - Shadow War in Lower Bern


Welcome to the City

Part 1: Living in the City

A Brief Guide to Ferrum
Corporations & Guilds
Education & Universities
Ferrum’s Government

Part 2: The Districts

Getting Around
The 17 Districts
The Canal & Sewers

Part 3: The People

(Includes Player Traits)

Part 4: The Canal’s History

Timeline of Ferrum

Part 5: Secrets in the Canal

Secret Societies

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