Correl Merixen (Politician) & Jeeves (Construct) — Dump Stat Adventures

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Correl Merixen (Politician) & Jeeves (Construct)

Correl Merixen (Politician) & Jeeves (Construct)

Correl Merixen

Correl Merixen is a lesser noble who yearns to rule and establish a democratic system throughout the land. He is confident he would be an excellent leader, speaking for the people. It's not so much the power that comes with a title that appeals to Correl, but it doesn't hurt either.

Physical Description

Art Credit - Julie Vigneault

Correl is very attractive and in great physical shape. He has piercing blue eyes, and his curly locks are unruly but not overly so. His chiseled chin and muscular body attract men and women of all races. He is always dressed in a suit, which is well-tailored but simple.


Correl's family is technically nobility but so low on the scale that most of the other nobles dismiss or outright ignore them. His family's wealth has been passed down through the generations and has been well taken care of, to the point where no one needs work. However, each generation's patriarch has preached the value of hard work.

The family's ownership of a small but highly respected construction firm is a testament to their reputation. Correl, who works there most days, has learned from his father that rolling up his sleeves to help their employees earns their respect and reinforces the value of a hard day's work.

Correl is not just a hard worker but also a man of many talents. He has been an actor in several small plays, a part-time apprentice to a leading alchemist, and has trained with the finest swordsman in the art of dueling with his rapier. These diverse skills not only showcase his versatility but also serve as leverage to gain the people's support.

His true ambition is to make a difference in the world, and he views politics as the way to do it. While some prefer the sword to control the people, Correl believes civil discourse is the only way to gain their trust. He has recently been appointed as his district's representative in the Earl's court, the man in charge of the city. Correl believes this is the first step in his journey, and his goals are within his reach.

Quick Reference Traits

Personality Traits. The world needs new leadership, and I am the person to lead us.
Ideals. Democracy is the best political system.
Bonds. The working man
Flaws. I am perceived as power hungry...maybe I am.


A construct made by Correl when working as an artificer's apprentice, Jeeves was enhanced by his teacher, who was impressed with his work ethic and belief he could make a positive impact on the world. The artificer names him Jeeves as a playful jab at Correl, and he is embarrassed by the traditional butler's name. Jeeves was not built as a servant; he serves mainly as his protector.

Adventure Hooks

  1. Rival politicians have hired a local gang to frighten the people in his district and discredit him.

  2. The party has been hired by a warlord to kill Correl, as his political ideas threaten the warlord's control of the lands around the city. Will the party follow through or warn Correl that his life is in danger?

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